Harry Potter Is Better Than Twilight

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Let me preface this by saying that I didn’t mind the first Twilight movie. It wasn’t art, didn’t have much to say, but it was dumb fun aimed at getting little girls’ body temperatures all warm, and I thought it was pretty amusing. Girls in the same row as me quoted lines that they knew would be recited on screen, they giggled at the sight of Edward, sighed at that really terrible “And then the lion fell in love with the lamb” line. Yet, somehow, I walked out fairly entertained. But then the Harry Potter comparisons started rolling out. Media pundits everywhere declared Twilight the new Harry Potter. I wondered, flabbergasted, how any person could ever believe such a thing. Potter?! Really? What I saw onscreen was soap opera trash for the tween nation. It didn’t bear anywhere near the universal appeal of the Harry Potter series. But now I’m here, explaining how such a preposterous claim is less an arguable statement and more a joke, an unfunny one at that, like Will Ferrell trying to ice skate. So how is Potter better than Twilight? Well, for one, it’s not Twilight. As for everything else, have a seat. Let’s do the math. Christian Undertones > Christian Overtones It’s more than well known that Stephanie Meyer comes from a Mormon background. The same goes for J.K. Rowling and her Christian origins. Both writers display their religious beliefs prominently in their work but in very different manners. Now here’s the thing. I’m down for writers showing off their personal beliefs in their work, but it’s how they do it that matters. The Harry Potter series is rife with Christian themes and allusion. Some believe Harry Potter is a Jesus figure, lost at youth only to return in his later years to fight a force of evil. Upon his return, he starts a movement and gains a following. And his future? Well, you’ll have to read the books to find that out. But at the end

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