Harry Houdini Bibliography

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O’Connor, Cassity L.A.6 P.1 Harry Houdini: A Magical Man Magician (1874–1926) Harry Houdini's grand illusions and daring, spectacular escape acts made him one of the most famous magicians of all time. Harry Houdini was born on March 24, 1874, in Budapest, Hungary. Harry Houdini is his stage name and his real name is Ehrich Weiss. The family moved to Milwaukee when Ehrich was eight years old. During his early years, Ehrich sold newspapers and shined shoes to help support the family. Then on October 28, 1883, nine year old Ehrich made his first appearance on stage, performing a trapeze act. He called himself Ehrich, The Prince of Air. When Ehrich was 12 he hopped a freight car and ran away from home. A year later he came back to New York and continued to help support his family by working as a messenger, necktie cutter, and photography assistant. Nothing is known of his year away from his family. Erich moved with his family as a child to Appleton, Wisconsin, where he later claimed he was born. When he was 13, Ehrich moved with his father to New York City, taking on odd jobs and living in a boarding house before the rest of the family joined them. Ehrich and his brother Theo began to pursue an interest in magic. Erich then chose a stage name, Harry Houdini chosen for his idol Robert Houdin. At 17, Ehrich, now known as Harry Houdini, left his family to pursue his magic career. By the age of twenty, Harry had been performing small acts throughout New York. In 1893, Harry met and married performer Wilhelmina Beatrice Rahner, who turned into harries assistant by the name of Beatrice Bess Houdini. Harry then joined a circus where he began to develop and perfect his escape tricks. Harry eventually gained a lot of fame by escaping from police handcuffs and jails. When harry was alive his time period did not have electronics so it was hard to be noticed when

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