Charles L. Reason In Education

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Charles L. Reason Algebra II Trig Charles L. Reason was born July 21, 1818 in New York City to West Indies immigrants Michael and Elizabeth Reason. Charles attended the African Free School along with his brothers Elmer and Patrick both who are important historical figures in their own right. An excellent student in mathematics, Reason became an instructor in 1832 at the school at age fourteen this became a striking matter for the news, receiving a salary of $25 a year. He used some of his earnings to hire tutors to improve his knowledge. Later, he decided to enter the ministry but was rejected because of his race by the General Theological Seminary of the Protestant Episcopal Church in New York City. Reason rejected such "sham Christianity"…show more content…
The Institute was a Quaker institution that had earned a reputation for high academic standards since its founding in 1837. (It should be noted that in 1850 Central College also had the Blacks George B. Vashon and William G. Allen on its faculty. This ended when Allen was tarred and feathered for his attention to wed Mary King, a white woman. Allen later became the first Black Headmaster in England. In 1852 Reason left Central College and became the principal of the Institute for Colored Youth in Philadelphia now Cheney State University, and where Edward Boucher taught 25 years later). Reason expanded the enrollment from six students in 1852 to 118 students in 1855, improved the library, and made the school a forum for distinguished visiting speakers. In 1855 Reason returned to New York City permanently to begin thirty-seven continuous years as a teacher and administrator in city schools. In 1856, he was appointed Principal of School No.6 in New York. In 1873 he headed the successful movement to outlaw segregation in New York schools. In 1882 teachers, superintendents, and principals of the New York City school system honored him for fifty years of service. He was chairman of the Committee on Grammar School…show more content…
He was committed to the antislavery cause and worked unceasingly for improvement of black civil rights. In 1837 Reason, Henry Highland Garnet, and George Downing launched a petition drive in support of full black suffrage. He was also secretary of the 1840 New York State Convention for Negro Suffrage. Reason founded and was executive secretary of the New York Political Improvement Association, which won for fugitive slaves the right to a jury trial in the state. In 1841 he lobbied successfully for the abolition of the sojourner law, which permitted slave owners to visit the state briefly with their slaves. He also lectured on behalf of the Fugitive Aid Society. An active reporter on education to the black national convention movement of the 1850s, he was secretary of the 1853 (July 6-8) convention in Rochester, New York. He spoke out against the American Colonization Society and Garnet's African Civilization Society. In 1849 Reason, along with J. W. C. Pennington and Frederick Douglass, sponsored a mass demonstration against colonization at Shiloh Presbyterian Church in New York City. At the meeting, Reason quoted a former American Colonization Society agent in Africa, who claimed that the president and secretary of the society's colony of Liberia had business dealings with European slave traders on the African coast. During the Civil War, Reason served on New York City's Citizen's Civil Rights Committee, which lobbied
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