Handful of Dates

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Jasmine Rodriguez A Handful of Dates While growing up you have to experience something in your life to realize the lessons in life. In the story “A Handful of Dates “ by Tayeb Salih explains on how dates have a meaning to Muslims. It is also about a young boy who looks up to his grandfather. The boy wants to be just like his grandfather because he thinks he is good he compares his grandfather to the river. There was a lot of tension between the two characters Masood and the grandfather because they have a bad past because Masood treated the grandfather wrong. They boy see the tension and changes his perspective on how he sees his grandfather. He sees the grandfather as a bad person. I think the grandfather is a hypocrite to his religion. I say this because his religion is supposed to take it seriously and stay pure. This story shows us that in life you see people real colors in you’re face. Sometimes it will hurt you knowing the true person they are. It’s a life lesson it makes you a better person and grow to know what to expect and also to be more open to see the true reality in life. In the beginning of the story explains about the young boy. The young boy is very young he barely remembers a lot. But only a few like when people would pat on his head and also pinch his cheeks. “ I don’t remember exactly how old I was, I do remember that when people saw mw with my grandfather they would pat me on my head and give my cheek a pinch things they didn’t do to my grandfather “(p1). This quote explains that the littlest things he would remember but he doesn’t really know his father because all his life he had his grandfather. And that’s the father figure he looks up to he sees his grandfather as a good guy but he doesn’t really know how his grandfather truly is. Everyday he would spend time with his grandfather except the mornings because he would go to

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