Hamlet Compared with Fortinbras

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Hamlet and Fortinbras Comparative Essay “While seeking revenge, dig two graves - one for yourself” (Doug Horton). Perhaps the characters from William Shakespeare’s, Hamlet should have listened to this advice. Hamlet and Fortinbras are two characters whose main goal is revenge. The two characters can relate to one another because revenge in itself is a similar act, however they have different reasons for their revenge, go about doing it differently, and ultimately their actions each have a different effect on others in the play. Revenge must begin with a motive. In the play Hamlet, Fortinbras and Hamlet both seek revenge for the death of their fathers. Hamlet desires revenge because he is ordered to do so. Also he develops a hated for the new marriage of his mother and Claudius. Old Hamlet informs his son that he was murdered by his brother. He then asks Hamlet to avenge him, “Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder” (I.v.25). Old Hamlet refers to himself as “his”. This is the first time Hamlet hears that his father was murdered. He almost immediately begins planning his course of action towards revenge. Hamlet’s disgust toward his mother is only heightened with this news of murder, “O most pernicious woman! / O villain, villain, smiling damned villain!” (Iv.105-106). Old Hamlet’s ghost has warned Hamlet not to punish Gertrude with hell, but he does not seem to care. Hamlet has now taken this personal with his own desires for revenge, as well as his obligation to his deceased father. Likewise, Fortinbras also seeks revenge for his father’s death. Horatio is informing Marcellus and Bernardo as to why they are guarding the gates. He tells them the history of the Fortinbras family, “Dar’d to the combat; in which our valiant Hamlet /…Did slay this Fortinbras” (I.i.87-89). This is explaining the reason young Fortinbras has for revenge. It is evident even to the

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