Guatemala Culture Essay

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Guatemala Culture Guatemala is located in Central America, bordering the Pacific Ocean to the East and the Caribbean Sea to the West. It is bordered by Belize to the Northeast, Mexico to the north, and with Honduras and El Salvador to the southeast. Guatemala was the heart of the flourishing Maya Indian civilization from 500AD to 900AD. After the collapse of the lowland Maya cities in late 800sAD, the Maya cities of the central highland mountains continued until they were conquered by the Spanish, who first arrived in 1523AD and colonized the area. Guatemala became independent of Spain in 1821.Guatemala means “land of forest” was derived from one of the Mayan dialects spoken by the indigenous people at the time of the Spanish conquest in 1523. It is used today by outsiders, as well as by most citizens, although for many purposes the descendants of the original inhabitants still prefer to identify themselves by the names of their specific dialects, which reflect political divisions from the sixteenth century. The pejorative terms Indio and natural have been replaced in polite conversation and publication by Indígena. Persons of mixed or non-indigenous race and heritage may be called Ladino, a term that today indicates adherence to Western, as opposed to indigenous, culture patterns, and may be applied to acculturated Indians, as well to others. The national culture also was influenced by the arrival of other Europeans, especially Germans, in the second half of the nineteenth century, as well as by the more recent movement of thousands of Guatemalans migrating to the United States. ‘There has been increased immigration from China, Japan, Korea, and the Middle East, although those groups, while increasingly visible, have not contributed to the national culture, nor have many of them adopted it as their own”(Sander 5). Within Central America the citizens of

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