'Grendel And A Synthesis Of Beowulf'

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Paige Kimble Kimble 1 Scott Honors 190 21 October 2014 Synthesis Paper A Synthesis of Grendel Two scholars, Judy Smith Murr and Reuben Sanchez wrote articles analyzing and observing the quest for truth in John Gardner's Grendel. The main character, Grendel, is the figure who searches for meaning and value in the world. Although both writers address this mission of truth, they approach it differently. The two writers critically evaluate Beowulf's victory, the relationship between Grendel and man, and the comical tone of the story. All of these components correspond and effect Grendel's hunt for truth. Murr tells the reader that life is just meaningless comedy by both focusing on the connection between order and disorder,…show more content…
Murr points out that, ironically, the “underground world of Grendel is dark, terrifying, and chaotic, but it is no less frightening or disordered than the above-ground world of man” (99). This creates a connection between the two seemingly polar opposites. The reader can then infer that man and Grendel define each other, and give one another meaning in their life, even if it is to simply fight one another. Sanchez similarly analyzes this relationship. He observes that Hrothgar and his people and Grendel give each other purpose in life. According to him, the truth that Grendel finds is the interdependence between the two, “just as Grendel defines life for Hrothgar's people, Hrothgar's people define life for Grendel” (49). Sanchez says that Grendel's alienation and loneliness unites man and therefore creates value in their lives. Grendel and man sparked curiosity and motivation in each other; they gave one another something for their lives to revolve around: each…show more content…
Sanchez's point of view is that the reach for truth in a crazy world is vital. Sanchez tells the reader that Grendel “learned that there is value, meaning and truth in life, his own as well as the lives of his adversaries” (49). Sanchez also makes an effort to point out the irony in the fact that Grendel finally discovers the truth by accident, since Beowulf's victory was a mistake. This connects back to the big idea: that life is accidental, comical
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