beowulf v. grendel

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Beowulf v. Grendel The fight between good and evil is not a new concept. Throughout history, stories have been themed on the struggle between good and evil. From ancient Greek tales and Native American stories to modern day books and movies, the on-going duel of good and evil has been present, just as it is in the epic poem Beowulf. The character Beowulf represents the force of good, and Grendel represents the force of evil. Although the characters compare in their strength and loyalty and in their representation of a force greater than themselves, they contrast when it comes to bravery, their reasons for fighting, and the force they each represent. Beowulf and Grendel have a number of comparisons that can be made. They are both strong. In the poem, Grendel shows his strength by bursting open a chained door of the mead hall and killing many men at once by himself. Then, Beowulf shows his strength by killing Grendel with simply his bare hands. In the past stories we heard of Beowulf, he had fought and killed many sea monsters while swimming in the ocean for days. He had also slain a dragon no one else could. Beowulf and Grendel are also both loyal. Beowulf shows his loyalty by being loyal to his Geat cousin and uncle even though he is stronger than they and by carrying out his promise to Hrothgar to rid him, and the Danes, of Grendel. Even after his death, Beowulf remained loyal to his people by leaving them his treasure he achieved when he slayed the dragon at his old age. I gathered from the story that Grendel was loyal to his mother. She was loyal to him by avenging his death. In this epic, Beowulf and Grendel both represent a force greater than themselves. The story portrays them as either strictly good, or strictly evil by telling only one side of their characteristics. Beowulf and Grendel contrast in more ways that can be stated in this paper. I’ll begin

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