Great Gatsby Analysis

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Mrs.Johnson 8th period English 2 Pre-IB Color Analysis Great Gatsby It is arguable that Jay Gatsby values two things above all others—love (particularly his love for Daisy Buchanon) and money (the means by which he hopes to win Daisy’s heart). The two motivations converge in Fitzgerald’s use of the color green, a symbol that represents both love and money as well as Gatsby’s ultimate goal—a spring-like renewal that would put his past behind him and plant the seeds for a future with Daisy. Fitzgerald shows green in its many incarnations, from the promise of a new bud to the decay of a stagnant pond, as Gatsby’s dream progresses from a fleeting affair into a full blown physical and mental sophistication obession with theses two main things. A careful examination of the " The Great Gatsby", by F. Scott Fitzgerald reveals that his intention was to satirize the Corruption of society. Set in the core of America, Fitzgerald portrays a hedonistic society decaying in morals and consumed in materialism, he expresses this through the symbolism of color and nature. Likewise, The critic, J.S Westbrook suggests the failure of American society are " symbolized by two patterns of reference one revolves around the problem of seeing, the other around the idea of nature". The ocular motifs are symbolized by color. The three main colors that are symbolized are, white, yellow and blue, while the idea that nature communicates the immorality of society, is brought about by the symbolism of flowers and water. Westbrook proposes that the "world of Gatsby may be said to abound in colors, all of the brighter varieties, but the most brilliant of them attends ironically upon its unhappiest events". The colors I chose white, green, yellow and blue. While white usually symbolizes purity, however when reading Gatsby you have to think that Fitzgerald ironically conveys
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