Good Things Can Come from Being Disconnected

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Most college students, and teens alone, would willingly admit that they are functionally unable to go without some source of social media link to the world around them in their daily lives. Almost all of the ones who would never dream of giving up their ties to social networking would go as far to say that they have developed a state of dependency for their cell phones or whatever device they may use to socialize and access media. For two days straight I participated in an experiment and I gave up something that I believed was vital to me in my everyday routine. Rather than giving up social media as a whole, I gave up just one aspect of it: text messaging. It was a difficult task because I, myself, am guilty of being overly dependent on my cell phone and something as simple as a text message. I used text messaging as a day-to-day convenience to keep me up to date with friends and family, and I even used it to make plans in a quick manner with the potential that they could change within a matter of minutes. I used it as the most popular form of communication, even though there are many other ways that I can communicate with the people who I truly want to talk to. Texting became so natural that it interfered with the more important things in my life. After the once dreaded two days were over, I came to the realization that without text messaging, my life would not crumble to pieces, as I once thought to be true. The feeling of disconnection began to overwhelm me not even twenty minutes after my morning started, and I knew from that moment on that it was going to be a dreadful two days. Although I was constantly surrounded by other people from the start of my experiment until the end, I still felt a sense of loneliness and isolation. The people who I chose to spend my time with rather than focusing my attention towards a jumble of words on my phone, concentrated their

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