Good Mother Essay

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Every mother has a moment in her life that she remembers every small detail to. Even though she may not remember every date, time, and place she has ever been before. A mother will always remember the date, time and place she held her child for the first time. At that moment is when she promises herself and her child to always be the best mother she can be. A good mother can be defined in many different ways. Some people define a good mother as a female parent who gives her child all the unconditional love, support, guidance, and discipline he or she may need. In the book, The Perpetual Calendar Of Inspiration. Author Vera Nazarian talks about unconditional love. She says," Love is made up of three unconditional properties in equal measure." The first unconditional property is acceptance. An example of a good mothers unconditional love is her acceptance of her child no matter what the circumstance is. Say her child was to grow up and turn out to be a homosexual. She would still accept her child and love him or her as if they were heterosexual. The next unconditional property is understanding. A good mother will always understand her child. Say her child decides to go to a different college then what she has picked for them. As a good mother she would understand that it is their choice to make not hers.The last unconditional property is appreciation. A good mother will always appreciate her child. For example, If her child helps her do something like take the trash out, help in the garden or even wipe down the kitchen table. She should always show her child how much she appreciates them. A good mother will show support for her child not matter what. There is different ways including financial, emotional, and social support. First, a good mother will be there financially for her child. Making sure her child has everything they need not what they want. For
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