Goals and Objectives for a Security Organization

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Goals and Objectives for a Security Organization Tracy R. Williams SEC/310 August 14, 2012 Mark Logan Goals and Objectives for a Security Organization To effectively manage a security organization, goals and objectives must be established. The security manager most assuredly should be educated on the legal aspects of organizational security and can be proactive in influencing the negative as well as the positive reports or results of the organization. Furthermore, the security manager should be knowledgeable of the value their expertise offers and the consequences or impact of failing to achieve the organization’s goals and objectives. Consequences of Failing to Achieve Goals and Objectives Security is involved and interacts with every aspect of personal, organizational, and group life. Corporate executives have come to realize that effective security protects the ultimate bottom line: that is, survival of the organization (Harowitz, 2003). Private industries or corporations strive to prevent loss, protect property and human assets. Ultimately, the goals of security are to promote a safe and secure environment and prevent loss. Since the resources of the public police are limited, it is in the best interests of public safety for police agencies to initiate cooperative efforts with the private sector to increase the quantity and improve the quality of crime prevention services (Lyman, 2005; Meese & Ortmeier, 2004; National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals, 1976). While the potential for a crime exists everywhere, it can be lessened by implementing certain measures to control a particular environment. The vital role of private security in crime prevention efforts should not be overlooked by the public police. The security professional may be the one person in society who has the knowledge and technology to effectively

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