Globalization: a Closer Look

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Timothy T. Riley SOC-100 October, 20, 2013 David Claerbaut Globalization: A Closer Look In today’s economy multinational corporations are outsourcing at an astounding rate. These conglomerates are making their mark through dominating the business arena through globalization and world trade. Companies like Ford motor company, General Motors, and Wal-Mart just to name a few are considered to be the major power players in the industry. Multinational companies are considered a threat to national independence to secure satisfactory working environments. The world’s fortune 500 companies controlled an astounding 70% of the trade market, and 80% of foreign investment, and 30% of the (GDP), gross domestic product. 3,400 billion of the world assets controlled by the largest 100 companies with 40% owned in other major countries. In the past it was statistically known that 70% of the trade market with 80% investments, and 40% in off shore accounts was controlled by these multinational corporations, drawing an excessive rates from the U.S. and the majority of wealth in other non U.S. regions. Local cultures of third world countries are stratified into various areas. These countries are open to new ways of proficiencies (e.g.) social mobility, and impacting the stratification dynamics more than normal customs of these countries. There has been and paradigm shift of the auto corporations in the area of economic wealth in which the government tax revenue fall within and outside of its demographics. Foreign cultures influx of affluence causes a cultural shock, but soon levels off, and the wealth and affluence they experience positively and negatively affecting these countries materially and environmentally. The positive effect are adequate health care and the countries assets: whereas the negative effects upsets the cultural influences causing
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