Girl Behind Glass

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Review of The Girl Behind the Glass by Jane Kelley Would you like to move out of your house? Your neighborhood? To a house that is haunted? This is what happened to 11 year old twins, Hannah and Anna in Jane Kelley's The Girl Behind the Glass. The have to move from Brooklyn, to a house on Hemlock Road because their older sister doesn't get into a decent private school. Now their life is going to go through some major changes that they are not ready for. Hannah and Anna move to a house they are renting until the house they bought is ready. There are bats in the attic, mysterious winds, and a haunted closet. The twins want to use the houses' mysterious qualities against Selena, their older sister. But Selena and Anna start to adjust where Hannah does not. Hannah hears and sees strange things. Why is she the one that hears and sees all of these haunted and mysterious occurrences. Their mother considered them to be one person because they were so much alike and called them “HannahAnna.” Hannah and Anna start to realize they are not one person, but two separate people. With all the noises and strange occurrences you start to try and figure out is someone or something trying to separate them and why. While reading The Girl Behind the Glass by Jane Kelley, readers get involved with trying to figure out who is this ghost and why is this happening. Readers also are trying to gain an understanding about what families experience when life doesn't go the way they have planned. I would suggest this book to read as it is a book that always keeps readers wondering and interested because there are surprises in every chapter. I was interested in trying to figure out who the narrator is in the story. I think people from the age of 10 – 13 would enjoy this book. I rate this a 5 out of

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