Gi Bleed Essay

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I would like to focus on Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding (UGIB) as my topic for my nursing care plan. I am a student nurse undergoing overseas nursing program in the emergency department. In my previous hospital that I have been working in the Philippines, I have handled a lot of patient with Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding. As a student nurse in the emergency department, I would like to open my knowledge on how emergency nurses here in the United Kingdom treat patient presenting symptoms of Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding. In addition, Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding is a possible life-threatening abdominal emergency, if not treated appropriately it will lead to death. It is commonly defined as bleeding arising from the stomach, oesophagus or duodenum. As a result, it requires immediate hospital care and treatment. Some of the diseases that can cause Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding are peptic ulcers, gastric erosions, oesophageal varices and in some rare cases gastric cancers. In the Philippines, it has a mortality rate of approximately 8%-10% majority are elderly people. In connection to, here in the United Kingdom it is a common disease that has a mortality rate of 6%-13%. Despite of the changes in management and treatment, mortality has not significantly improved of the past 50 years. Moreover, Most of the people having this kind of disease are treated in the hospital and therefore I would like to emphasise my nursing care plan in holistic hospital care. I would like to broaden my knowledge about Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding by focusing on: * What is Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding? * What are the complications of this disease? * What are the predisposing factors and precipitating factors of UGIB? * What are the signs and symptoms of UGIB? * What are the management and treatment procedures of UGIB in the emergency department? * What

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