Gen 200 Personal Responsibility Papers

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Personal Responsibility Xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx Gen/200 March 24, 2012 Kelly Gross Personal Responsibility Personal responsibility is time management, dedication, and independence toward a goal. Relating this to education, this entails balancing school work, extracurricular activities, family, a holding a full-time job, finding importance in what I’m doing, and working hard to achieve the results expected. I will explore what personal responsibility means to me and what it means to my education and family and how I will achieve success. Time Management Time is very precious. Something that helps me get the most out of my time is to schedule my days a week at a time. A few of the techniques for success I have implemented for time management…show more content…
Prioritizing is a very important step to managing my time. By evaluating my priorities, this in turn allows me to categorize them by importance. (Farooq, Rehmani, Afridi, Sajjad, European Journal of Scientific research, 2010). After making a schedule of what I need to get done for the week, I proceed to narrow it down to what needs to be done each day of the week, listing each task on the list by priority. Having a family with young adults, I am busy both before and after work. This makes it necessary to schedule my time efficiently. I work full time, so that takes most of my time during the day. I set a time aside every evening to complete school work, which usually takes place after personal commitments are taken care of. Focusing on time management helps motivate me in completing my tasks at hand and keeping organized helps with this…show more content…
I must set goals in work, family, play, and school. You cannot achieve your goal without first setting one. The first rule in setting a goal is, to make the goal achievable. I will be specific in what I want to accomplish, I will set deadlines in accomplishing my goal, and taking small steps toward achieving a specific goal. With setting a goal for finishing school, break it down to finishing a certain amount of hours in a semester. By breaking a larger goal down into smaller goals it becomes achievable and not overwhelming. One should pursue goals worthy of pursuit. If goals are pursued without putting forth full effort the goal may not be achieved or can become abandoned. When a goal is truly desired, it is powerful and difficult to sway from. When a goal is important enough, it will give you the will & determination to get through any obstacles and sustain energy to do so (Ball, Oil & Gas Investor, 2007). I will accept responsibility in achieving my personal goals, and work hard independently and not expect anyone else to do the work for me in achieving the goals I have set for
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