Ge217 Week 1 Excercise

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I think woman are better listeners than men. Pros | Cons | 1. Women listen intently and show compassion. 2. Nature intended women to be the nurturers. That means women have it built into us to be good listeners, mommies, nurses, doctors, etc. 3. Women want you to know that you can talk to them and most of the time they understand. 4. Women are taught from childhood to be mothers. Mothers are the caregivers and this just comes very naturally to them. 5. Women learn to be more caring from an earlier age, so they become more empathic towards people’s needs which in turn make them better listeners. | 1. In the back of their mind they are trying to decode the "hidden meaning" in what I'm saying. 2. It all depends on the person. 3. People in general tend to listen to what interests them and disregard the rest. 4. Men often give the appearance of not-hearing, but they actually listen. 5. It's just that friends are better listeners than non-friends and quite frequently spouses. | Capital punishment is no deterrent to crime. Pros | Cons | 1. Capital punishment ensures those guilty will not re-enter society. 2. Discouragement of crime. 3. Not supporting a criminal in jail for a lifetime. 4. Criminals won't get on parole and commit their crimes again. 5. Prison over crowdedness would be a thing of the past. | 1. Some say methods are cruel and unusual and therefore unconstitutional. 2. Lethal injection expensive. 3. Innocent people may die. 4. Knowing they could face capital punishment criminals may resort to a higher level of violence. 5. Wrongly convicted innocent people have received death penalty sentences and tragically were killed. | “Hard” sciences such as math are more difficult than “soft” sciences such as sociology. Pros | Cons | 1. Shows statistics of accuracy. 2. Facts do not change. 3. Doesn’t have

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