Criminal Procedure Policy

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Criminal Procedure Policy The Constitution is the backbone of this country. It is the definitive law of this country. The laws and rules of each state must be harmonious with the Constitution and the basics within the document. It has been that way since it was written in 1781. In1789, the Constitution was ratified by thirteen states. The first ten Amendments of the Constitution were ratified by 1791. These changes to the Constitution were later known as the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights was written so the people would have specific rights and freedoms. A few amendments were written to express rights that interpret the rights on a criminal trial. The amendments command definite rights that people would have as they may be charged with…show more content…
It states that no one can be held for a crime unless a grand jury has indicted him or her for the crime, which the grand jury decides whether or not there is enough evidence to take them to trial. The Fifth Amendment also states that no one can be tried more than once for the same crime, which is called double jeopardy. Double jeopardy has been known to be decisive if a person is being tried for a lesser crime. Example, a person hits someone with a cast iron skillet and wounds him or her so extremely that he or she expires. If the criminal is charged and tried for murder, but found innocent, then he or she cannot be charged with a reduced offense for the same crime, such as a serious assault. This is called double jeopardy. The Fifth Amendment promises that no one will be made to incriminate him or herself. When someone says they are pleading the fifth, it means they are refusing to answer the questions because he or she would incriminate himself or herself. No person has to incriminate themselves. When a warning is given to someone such as “you have the right to remain silent”, then that is when the specific right is spelled out to that…show more content…
Due Process Model There are two values in the criminal justice system known as crime control model and the due process model. Crime control and Due process are two elements of the criminal justice system. Crime control model’s function of the criminal justice system is to control crime and focus on justifying the victims rather than protect the rights of the criminals. Law enforcement powers under the crime control model ought to be expanded rather than reduced, to make it easier to investigate, arrest, and convict a criminal offender. Legal procedures which will stop law enforcement should be excluded. The criminal justice system should operate quickly without delays from the criminal cases and the character of the cases. The arrest of someone should be thought of as being guilty, but in society everyone is innocent until proven guilty. The investigation of the suspect has been done, all facts are in, and so the suspect should be assumed guilty. The process is to discover facts and establish guilt of the
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