Gcu Statistics Case Study

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destiny Wilson Questions are specific to the United States of America 1. What does research/statistical data say about: The average age to enter the workforce? In most states in the United States most children are allowed to begin working a part time job at the age of sixteen. Many states have passed laws concerning child labour. Some state laws say that children between the ages of sixteen and eighteen are allowed to work a part time job as long as they maintain passing grades in school. 2. What does research/statistical data say about: The average age for a female to marry? The average age at which a woman gets married for the first time climbed from 29.9 years in 2008 to 30 years in 2009, figures published by the Office for National Statistics said. This is the first time that the symbolic age barrier has been reached. The average age at which women and men get married has been getting consistently later in recent years. The mean year for first marriages for women in 1991 was 25.5 and just 23.1 back in 1981, the year of the last major Royal wedding. 3. What does research/statistical data say about: The average age for a male to marry? The median age for a man's first marriage was 28.2 years in 2010, up from 26.1 in 1990. 4. What does research/statistical data say…show more content…
What does research/statistical data say about: The average age for retirement from the workforce? Workers are now retiring at older ages because the incentives to retire have changed. Since the mid-1990s, the average retirement age has risen from 62 to 64 for men and from 60 to 62 for women, according to a new Center for Retirement Research at Boston College analysis of Census Bureau data. The trend toward later retirement has been driven by declines in traditional pensions and retiree health benefits offered by employers, changes in the way Social Security benefits are calculated, better education and health, and less strenuous jobs that people are able to perform at older
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