Gcse English Assignment

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Mark Scheme (Results) January 2012 International GCSE English (4ETO/01) English Literature: Drama and Prose Edexcel and BTEC Qualifications Edexcel and BTEC qualifications come from Pearson, the world’s leading learning company. We provide a wide range of qualifications including academic, vocational, occupational and specific programmes for employers. For further information, please call our GCE line on 0844 576 0025, our GCSE team on 0844 576 0027, or visit our qualifications website at www.edexcel.com. For information about our BTEC qualifications, please call 0844 576 0026, or visit our website at www.btec.co.uk. If you have any subject specific questions about this specification that require the help of a subject specialist, you…show more content…
May show some engagement with how the characters of Romeo and Juliet are affected by fate and destiny in the play. Begins to use the text to develop ideas. May give a predominantly narrative account of how fate and destiny are explored in the play. Spelling, punctuation and grammar used with general accuracy, although spelling errors may still be found. Level 3 15-22 Uses specific details, chosen appropriately, to address the question directly. Demonstrates a focused understanding of how the characters of Romeo and Juliet are affected by fate and destiny in the play. A clear, personal response will be evident. May offer a confident analysis of how fate and destiny are explored in this play. Spelling, punctuation and grammar used with considerable accuracy; there are few errors. Level 4 23-30 A full understanding of the text will be evident, reflecting an accomplished appreciation of the writer’s craft. May give a sustained and developed analysis of Shakespeare’s technique. Offers a confident and lucidly argued interpretation. Offers a sophisticated and mature interpretation of the characters of Romeo and Juliet and how they are affected by fate and destiny in the play. Spelling, punctuation and grammar are excellent, with only very rare…show more content…
Some responses may include: • The significance of the title is in its double meaning; it is a play on words. Wilde’s humour is aimed at the Victorian notions of duty and respectability. To be ‘earnest’ can mean to be serious or sincere, which Wilde saw as hallmarks of the Victorian character. To be called ‘Ernest’ is fundamentally important to shallow characters in this play. Gwendolen wants to marry a man called Ernest, not caring whether he possesses the qualities that comprise earnestness. This is evident as Gwendolen quickly forgives Jack’s deception and Lady Bracknell quickly forgets her earlier disapproval of Jack’s suitability for Gwendolen. Jack, the central character, is initially neither ‘Ernest’ nor ‘earnest’. Through forces at times beyond his control, he becomes both: a symbol of Victorian hypocrisy. Both Jack and Algernon lead a double life, known as ‘Bunburying’, the practice of creating an elaborate deception so as to misbehave whilst maintaining expected social standards of duty and responsibility, essentially, pretending to be earnest. Ernest is Jack’s imaginary wayward brother and a means of escaping social functions and duties; Algernon too behaves in a similar fashion. The play, although a comedy, has a sober tone; to be earnest is to be

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