Gas Pipeline Case Study

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Task #1 RWE, one of the biggest energy business companies in Europe. They had established a leading position in electricity and gas sectors especially in the Central Europe.( Pic 1) Pic 1 They became one of the successful business models in a few years. For instance, RWE is number one gas Business Company in Central Europe. (Table 1) Table 1 Today, they probably have the longest gas pipeline network in Czech Republic, however, the time go fast and mostly gas pipelines became old and company currently issuing the leakage problems in some regions in Czech Republic. Leakage from pipelines brings not only to the company but also to the country a huge economic and environmental damage. However, it would be wrong to say that only time or age…show more content…
Year of construction, as I mentioned before nothing in this life is forever, also this statement regards to the many scientific research works about gas or even in water pipelines failures, the age plays a main role as a cause of such failures. Diameter nominal, There a lot of evidence in researchers works, which proofs that the smaller diameter is a greater number of failures. Also, I think the bigger the diameter of pipe the heavier it is, which can protect them during some earth vibrations, such is earthquake. However, I am already a year in Prague and I didn’t felt or heard about earthquake in Czech Republic. Also, DN variable was given in mm which I think cannot be less than 1 mm, so in our data we have some values with 0 cells, they make no sense to include it , so it should be left as empty cells. Length, there is also some recommendations that pipe length should be 100 meter in order to avoid some external and internal factors which can bring them to a leakages…show more content…
Plastic pipes require no waterproofing, including cathode protection, they provide a constant transport of water, oil and gas, without the high cost of their maintenance service. Experience of reconstruction and construction of underground utilities in European countries suggests that the use of advanced trenchless technologies can significantly reduce the cost and simplify such work. This is especially true for the central areas of the city where the job of relaying the traditional pipeline trenching associated with considerable difficulties: for these works are often necessary closing passages, re-routing of urban transport. Require coordination with many different organizations. With the introduction of new technologies the RWE will have the opportunity to carry out the laying of pipelines and utilities without breaking the surface and the participation of a large number of people and heavy construction equipment. Moreover, it will save a time, whereas the time is money. Thus, not disturbed urban transport is excluded work on the device bypasses, bridges, which is especially important for a city with dense buildings and high traffic. Due to the absence of discomfort and unreasonable costs (compared with the construction of reduced labor costs in the trenches

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