Alaska National Wildlife Refuge Research Paper

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Gavin Proffitt 19 December 2008 Ms.Green Alaska national wildlife Refuge, or ANWR, has always caught the eye of one question; do we drill? ANWR was established in 1923 as 23 million acre’s of land set aside for oil and national security. During the second world war, a bit more land was set aside; this is called Prudhoe Bay, where we currently have gas and oil production. In 1980 more land was given back to the reserve (Wiki). Now the question is- do we drill? Drilling would lower our dependence on foreign oil, it would create jobs, it is not harmful for the animals and best of all and it will help boost our economy. Drilling would obviously lower our dependence on oil because of a simple fact: we would be drilling on home soil,…show more content…
Only 8% of ANWR is up for exploration, the rest of the 92% would be closed for good as an animal protection refuge (Mndaily). The drilling of Prudhoe Bay has not affected the animals at all; in fact, the animals that migrate to Prudhoe Bay have healthier fur in some places (ANWR)! As the temperatures drop, the animals will seek warmth, areas around the Bay have been known to be a bit warmer, so the animals actually like it there (Wiki). Less than 1% of the 8% set aside for exploration, is even up for drilling. The Drilling would be so controlled; the natives around the area would not even know it existed if the News media did not put ANWR out as a bad thing…show more content…
Fifty billion dollars is a lot of money when it comes to our economy now days. ANWR has enough oil, in fact nine to sixteen billion gallons, producing 1.1 million barrels a day for the next 25 years (NPR). Producing that amount of oil, and keeping all the spending money in side of the united states, and receiving money from people who might purchase our oil, would lead the economy to take a step forward, instead of staying in the same spot. Drilling in America would also lower the oil prices, which seams obvious. If we drill here, as I have stated, we spend less money; by spending less money, we can keep more money here from taxes and shipping costs, lowering the prices at the pumps, because the oil companies will not be getting taxed as much, leaving them room to drop the prices. Drilling ANWR is better than it is bad. All of the money we could keep, and make in America would boost our economy in a much needed forward motion. This gives businesses extra money in pocket, leaving them some money to expand themselves and higher more employees, which will lead to even more money! ANWR is not an environmental threat, so I ask, Why not? "Arctic Refuge drilling contraversy." Wikipedia. wikipedia. 17 Dec 2008 . Godoy, Maria. "Do we need more oil refinerys?". NPR. December 13th 2008 . Murkowski , Frank .
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