Gas Exchange and Diffusion

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GAS EXCHANGE- Gas exchange is the transferring process of oxygen from the lungs to our bloodstream, and getting rid of carbon dioxide within the bloodstream to the lungs and out of our body. Gas exchange occurs within the alveoli which are tiny air sacs located at the end of each bronchiole. WHY DO WE NEED A LARGE SURFACE AREA FOR GAS EXCHANGE TO OCCUR WITHIN THE ALVEOLI? In general, a large surface area increases the rate of diffusion. Therefore, the purpose of the large surface area the alveoli have is to increase the rate at which oxygen is diffused. The large surface area is also used for energy storage, faster removal of toxins from the blood as well as to store oxygen for future use. There are millions of alveoli within each lung therefore providing a larger surface area for gas exchange to occur. With having this large surface area, diffusion increases. One of the 4 main features alveoli have for it to adapt to gas exchange is the requirement of obtaining a large surface area. A large surface area is essential since it increases the rate of diffusion. Diffusion is the movement of gases without any energy or effort being needed by the body between the gas in the alveoli and the blood in our capillaries. The carbon dioxide within us diffuses out of the blood capillaries into the air of the alveoli and the oxygen from the alveoli diffuses into our blood capillaries. (Insert diagram 1 below) This is the exchange of gases occurring within our bodies by diffusion. It is necessary or vital to occur since we need oxygen from the air in the blood to remove the waste from our carbon dioxide. This explains why therefore a large surface area is required for the alveoli as it increases the rate at which oxygen is diffused. The large surface area of alveoli is also used and useful for energy
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