Friedman Family Assessment

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Friedman Family Assessment NUR/405 11/07/2011 Friedman family Assessment Identifying Data The Esposito family consists of mother and two boys The mother and her husband are currently seeking a divorce. The boys primarily live with the mother. They live in a rented half a double in a small town. They attend Catholic mass together as a family each week. The family shows a deep belief in God. Because of the divorce and the mother’s recent loss of her job they are receiving medical and financial assistance and would be considered lower class. The bulk of their family time is spent at various athletic fields that the boys are involved in. The father who does not live with The mother and the boys has a good job in accounting and living an upper middle class lifestyle. Developmental stage and family history The family are currently in Stage IV of family development; families with school age children. The boys are 7 and 9 years old attending elementary school. Task: Children learning socialization. The boys are very active in sports and school clubs. The parents are supportive of all activities. Task: Parents deal with child separation and peer pressure and relationships. The boys are in an age when they are asking to do more without their parents present. However the mother does not stray far from activities boys are attending. She admits to sitting in parking lots of parties in case the boys need her immediately. Task: Children to conform to community norms promoting school achievement. The children try to attend as many activities as they are allowed for church and school. The children both appear to have many friends. Environmental Data The home is a half a double block with 6 rooms. The mother and the boys have lived in this apartment for only a few months. The father lives in the family home a few miles away. The boys have their own

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