Frederick Winslow Taylor

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Frederick Winslow Taylor In business, many techniques and skills are necessary to succeed. Frederick Winslow Taylor was an American mechanical engineer who was very interested in improving industrial efficiency. His focus was to increase the efficiency and productivity of manufacturers and their employees. By doing this he helped to decrease the overall cost of production. He developed many of the important management techniques that have been adapted and are still used today. This paper will discuss Frederick Winslow Taylor’s his education and work life, his experiments on labor and efficiency, and his paper the “Principles of Scientific Management”. Frederick Winslow Taylor was born on March 20, 1865. He was raised in his Quaker family home in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Franklin, his father, was a successful lawyer who collected money from mortgages. Emily, his mother, was an abolitionist who supposedly was part of the “underground railroad”. Frederick was the youngest of eleven children. He attended many different levels of private schooling, eventually making his way into the Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire. After finishing there, he was accepted into the Harvard Law School; being expected to follow in the footsteps of his father. He was unable to actually attend at Harvard because his eyesight was damaged from studying in candlelight. Taylor now sought to start working so he could pick up a trade. He started working at the Enterprise Hydraulic Works as an apprentice to learn the trade of pattern-making and being a machinist. Taylor was then accepted into a job at the Midvale Steel Works in 1878. Soon after, he began attending the Stevens Institute of Technology in New Jersey. He did this long-distance so he could keep his full-time job while in college. Taylor graduated in 1883, with a degree in mechanical engineering. This
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