Forced Ranking Essay

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MAN5266-12 – Management of Professionals Forced Rankings and Employee Motivation August 11, 2012 | ABSTRACT This paper details a discussion of forced ranking performance appraisals and their impact on employee motivation. It also includes a discussion of employees’ negative reactions to forced rankings. Forced ranking is a performance management initiative through which management identifies and categorizes a company’s best and worst performers by means of person to person comparisons. The employees are ranked into three categories that include the top 20 percent, the middle 70 percent, and the bottom 10 percent. The workers performing in the top 20 percent are viewed as the high achievers in the company and are the ones that are typically groomed for success. These individuals receive the promotions and nurturing, etc. To the contrary, the employees that are identified as being the least productive performers are usually eliminated (Ivancevich, Konopaske, & Matteson, 2011). An advantage to forced ranking is that it allows companies to not only identify their top performers, but at the same time keep its employees on its toes so to speak by making them more vigilant with regards to performing well within the company. It can also mitigate contentment and complacency within the workplace. Additionally, as a result of forced ranking, top performers can be rewarded for their hard work and efforts that rough promotion and other opportunities for advancement within the company. Another huge advantage of using forced ranking is the fact that it relieves common rater errors by managers when it comes to rating employee performance. One such error that forced ranking alleviates is severity error, which occurs when all employees are rated poorly. The avoidance of leniency error is also an advantage of using forced ranking.

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