Food Connection Summary; David Suzuki

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i“Food Connection” In his essay, “Food Connections”, David Suzuki highlights the different ways food is produced and consumed through out the world, as well as the separation of man from the natural world. The major issues brought up include the ways people of first world nations have become desensitized to the natural origin of the products they consume, the loss of a sense of connection with the natural planet, and a stark comparison of markets in third world countries to that of ours. Eating is an everyday activity that we as humans engage in at least 3-4 times a day, and not including those dreaded late night cravings for cake and cold pizza. We live in a world where the variety of food that is readily available to us is staggering, to the point where one can enjoy a French breakfast and top it off with an English lunch; we have the world on our plate. We have become accustomed to a standard of perfection with how our food looks and tastes that we do not stop for a moment and think of where it comes from, its natural origin. It is to the point where a mere speck of dirt on a vegetable can evoke a sense of disgust from the consumer. In his essay, David Suzuki notes how, collectively, “We have become so used to clean food presented in plastic packages that we no longer think about where it comes from” (308). This jab at first world dependence paints a picture of the way we consume and perceive aesthetics in food, as well as the disconnected relationship between man and nature; “we are no longer of the land” (309). The food we consume is a gift from the Earth, a memento of the precious connection between the natural world around us that is often forgotten. Seasonal changes bring about new flavors, aromas, and celebrations as well as a variety of products to traditional markets; food reminds us of the cycles of the season. In his essay David Suzuki
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