Flying Tree Snake

385 Words2 Pages
Taxonomy Kingdom: animalia Phylum: chordata Class: reptilia Order: squamata Family: colubridae Genus: Chrysopelea Species: ornata Population vocabulary Group of Golden Tree Snakes: bed, nest, or pit Specified male female terms: Just called male/female Offspring names: snakelet, neonate, or hatchling (hatchling is a newly hatched snake) Physical description/size Length: can grow up to four feet; Chrysopelea ornata is the largest/longest of the flying snake species. About the length of a bookshelf in my mom's office. Ecosystem Contribution: keeps rodent population in order/small prey population. The younger ones provide food for birds of prey and larger snakes. Lives in both the treetop and forest floor ecosystems of the tropical rainforest biomes. Treetop because it jumps from tree to tree; forest floor where it suns itself occasionally and catches prey there. Biome Lives in the tropical rainforest biome. Habitat Food: rodents, bats, birds, lizards, etc. Shelter: bushes, trees, and possibly gardens. Moisture: 80-430 inches of rain. Temperature: ranges from 70-90 degrees fahrenheit. Food Web Drawn Biotic/Abiotic factors Biotic: Depends on smaller animals for food/prey; depends on plants/pollen to feed its prey so the prey will live, hence it won't starve because its prey won't starve and for shelter; depends on trees because it uses it for transportation. (jumps from tree to tree) and is camouflaged.) Abiotic: depends on water to drink and to keep its prey alive so it can live off the prey; depends on sunlight to keep itself alive, the plants alive, and the prey alive. Also for vision; depends on temperature, because if it were incredibly cold where it lived, it would die. Breeding Is an egg layer Polygamous Viviparous Behavior When

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