Fire Evacuation Essay

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Fire Evacuation Procedures – Main Building The Fire Alarm in the Main Building is a continuous ringing bell. The system is tested every Friday afternoon between 1400 hrs and 1500 hrs. The fire alarm will sound for a maximum of 10 seconds. If the alarm sounds for longer than this you must evacuate using the procedure below. At all other times you must evacuate as soon as the fire alarm sounds. If you discover a fire Raise the alarm by activating the nearest Break Glass Unit. Do not attempt to tackle a fire unless it is safe to do so. 1. Fire Action Notices are displayed throughout the College. You should familiarise yourself with these instructions so that in the event of the alarm sounding you know what to do. 2. Evacuate as soon as the alarm sounds – do not go out of your way to collect personal belongings 3. Follow the evacuation arrows (green “running man” signs) to your nearest safe emergency exit. Your nearest safe emergency exit will not necessarily be the normal exit route therefore it is important you follow the signage. 4. If it is safe to do so: • Stop/close down all machinery & electrical equipment • Isolate electrical supplies to equipment • Turn off gas supplies and gas cylinders 5. Lecturing staff do not require to keep their class together or carry out a head count on evacuation. Fire Marshalls will check each area of the Main Building and then report to the Fire Control Point. 6. On leaving the building make your way to the designated Fire Assembly Point which is indicated on Fire Action Notices. 7. The Senior Management Team should make their way to the Wardens Office which will act as the Command Centre should a major emergency incident occur. 8. Remain at the Assembly Point until given instruction to do otherwise 9. Do not under any circumstances re-enter the building
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