Btec Business L3 Unit 4 M2

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Unit 4: M2 As a student of Westminster Kingsway College, I personally think that that the college takes very good care of the Legal, Operational and ethical aspects regarding communication ad storage of data. The following things are always practiced within the college: Legal Aspects: The Copyright Legislation is always kept in mind and copyrighted images are not used in coursework or lesson notes without permission. Students are asked for permission before using their photos in publicity such as prospectuses, or taking their photos on trips etc. No one is allowed to use racist or abusive language. Anyone who does may end up with a bad outcome, such as suspension or rustication. Personal data regarding any member of the college is not given out over the phone without verifying who the request is from. Everybody is always advised not to do anything that might result in someone copying your work from a computer, Hack into your account, delete your files or give you a virus. This includes using an unprotected computer, not locking your computer when not in use, not protecting sensitive files and devices with a password, opening suspicious emails or links etc. Operational aspects: All staff and students are strictly asked to wear ID cards at all times when in campus to avoid unwanted visitors and to make sure that whether a person belongs to the college or not. All student data; name, telephone number, next of kin etc. are always kept secure and are not allowed to be used for other purposes. The college keeps confidentiality regarding subjects such as health issues, disciplinary issues etc. Whenever student surveys are carried out negative results are neither shown on video screens nor published in prospectuses, only the good is shown. Staff is always advised not to leave computers unattended and to always shred printouts of student details. Personal information
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