Final Assignment Essay

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May 5, 2010 Final Assignment # 5 Dr. Ken Polizzi Multiple Choice: Part 1. Choose the correct answer: 1. Cows can be: Answer: B a) green b) brown c) dancers 2. The average Cow weighs: Answer: A a) 1400lb b) 2ooolb c) 2500 3. How many gallons of water a cow drinks: Answer: A a) 40 b) 100 c) 500 4. A tiger has: Answer: B a) tattoos b) strips c) spots d) veins 5. Dogs hate what animal: Answer: B a) rats b) cats c) birds d) rabbits 6. The tallest animal in the jungle is: Answer: C a) lion b) elephant c) giraffe d) zebra 7. A cat can be: Answer: E a) big b) small c) black d) white e) all 8. Snakes are: Answer: E a) long b)poisonous c)different colors d) scary e) all 9. Roaches can: Answer: A a) be quick b) sing c)dance d) watch tv e) play games Part 2. Choose True or False 1. Birds Lay eggs: T or F Answer: T 2. Ham comes from lambs: T or F Answer: F 3. Zebras have pokey strips: T or F Answer: T 4. When penguins lay eggs the mother hatch them: T or F Answer: F 5: Teachers can run for student Government office. T or F Answer: F Part 3. Choose Correct or incorrect based up on the underline item? Circle Correct or incorrect 1. The Ozark highlands extend across Southern Missouri and Northern Arkansas and into Eastern Kansas. a) Ozark highlands correct or incorrect Answer: correct b) Southern Missouri correct or incorrect Answer: correct c) Southern Arkansas correct or incorrect Answer: incorrect 2. The Ozark highlands is thick with forests, the region includes mountains that rise more than 2000 feet. a) Forests correct or incorrect Answer: correct b) mountains correct or incorrect Answer: correct c) 4000 feet correct or incorrect

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