Fi 504 Case Study 2

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Attn: President of LJB Company It is my understanding that LJB Company is a local distributor and has asked for the assistance of our accounting firm to evaluate their current system of internal controls with the objective in mind to go public in the future. As you may be aware, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) requires all publically traded U.S. corporations to maintain adequate system of internal control. Internal control consists of all the related methods and measures adopted within an organization to safeguard its assets, enhance the reliability of its accounting record, increase efficiency of operations and ensure compliance with laws and regulations. Within the internal control, there are six principles of control activities that I will focus and how LJB Company is currently implementing these principles and where improvement may be recommended: First, let me state the six principles of control activities I will be referencing: 1) Establishment of responsibility 2) Segregation of duties 3) Documentation procedures 4) Physical controls 5) Independent internal verification 6) Human resource controls Currently, LJB Company has established a few internal control principles well and I would like to encourage you to continue these activities as they relate to the process in place. Pre-Number Invoices: Using pre-numbered invoices is a good example of documentation procedure. Companies should establish procedures for documents. Companies should use pre-numbered documents, and all documents should be accounted for. Pre-numbered documents helps prevent a transaction from being recorded twice or not at all. Safe Used for Employee Checks: Using a safe for the employee’s checks when the accountant is not present is a good example of physical controls. The use of physical control is essential to safeguarding assets and enhances the accuracy and
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