Feminism in Calabash Parkway

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Brenda DoHarris’s Calabash Parkway, set in between the 70s and the 80s in Brooklyn, New York, in a novel about four Guyanese women named, Agatha, Evadne, Gwennie and Drupattie, who migrate to North America, to find love and to escape from tragedy. In the story Agatha, Evadne, Gwennie and Drupattie struggle for survival and discrimination. Feminism in Calabash Parkway, is represented in ‘Eunice’s business, independence, and the support of Evadne, Doreen, and Gwennie. Eunice’s business in this story is a very prominent feature of feminism. Agatha, one of the main characters, has been struggling ever since she migrate to Brooklyn, New York. Agatha and her children were hired to work under Eunice to become more financially stable: On occasion, during the August holidays, she had hired ‘Gatha’s two older sons as yard boys and general helpers and taking a keen personal interest in their education. Soon, ‘Gatha became not only Eunice’s seamstress but her confidante (DoHarris 9)1. When Eunice helps Agatha, she will usually gives her some advice to take care of herself and avoid trouble in all time. In addition to Eunice’s help as being part of feminism in the story, there is also the representation of independence. In the novel, Drupattie is an East Indian woman who married a black Guyanese man named Steven Osbourne. Osbourne walked out of her life, before their baby was born. She alone protected her child through the discrimination of her race. Evadne took care of hers and Compton’s child Hope, while Compton was in a relationship with Jennifer in New York. Agatha was employed in many underpaid jobs such as being a seamstress, but they fire her but, she will never give up looking for one. As well as the independence of women, support is yet a big part of feminism. Support was evident when Agatha was working with Evadne as

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