Fear The Holocaust

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Fear. Fear can be defined as an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain or threat. Has one ever truly felt the experience of fear? Yes, some might say, “I had fear when jumping out of the airplane.” But, in reality you knew you were most likely going to survive, you had a trained professional with you. Now ask yourself, have you ever feared for your life on a daily basis? Again, some might say yes. But in reality you knew you were going to survive. Holocaust can be worded as “The mass murder of Jews under the German Nazi regime during the period 1941–45. More than 6 million European Jews, as well as members of other persecuted groups, such as gypsies and homosexuals, were murdered…show more content…
At the foot of the bed there was rug, under the rug was a door and under the door was a secret compartment. Large enough to lay down and crawl around in, but small enough so that no more than two people could fit and not stand up in. Chiara and I quickly grabbed our, Decken und Tiere (blankets and stuffed animals) and climbed into the room. Mum handed us a towel of bread and water. Kissed us softly on the head, and told us not to come out for at least 3 days, until things settled down, shut the hatch slid the rug over and walked away. Chiara squeezed my hand not knowing what was to happen. We heard the table chairs slide out and slide back in and mum and dad sat down and prepared themselves. Before you could count to four, the door was kicked open, and the Soldier yelled “Wo sind die Papiere?” This was not a time, to not be prepared. I slightly pushed up the hatch, just to see what was happening. Mum handed the man the papers and he grabbed her arm and threw her outside. From what I could see the other officer took her luggage and threw it over the railing, then pointed a gun at her and told her to walk. Dad was so flustered he dropped it papers onto the ground. The wind blew them around; the officer was becoming impatient. As quickly as he could, he scrambled to pick up the papers, but it was too late. The officer raised his gun, and shot him in the head. Chiara jumped and squealed I had to punch her, to keep her calm. I heard mum’s shrieks from the stairwell. I wanted so badly to run to her, and try to save Dad. I knew that would jeopardize all three of our lives. I had to resist the urge, and sit back and wait for three long days to pass by. After the second day, Chiara and I became wrest less. The constant commotion caused us to

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