My Significant Experience

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My Significant Experience One of the most significant experiences that I have had in my life so far was the birth of my son. Jr. After going to bed upset because my due date came and was almost over I was rudely woken up at 3:30 am by sharp stabbing pains in my stomach. I tried to go back to sleep but due to the contractions I couldn’t. I walked down hallway into the living room to watch some T.V, being as I can’t fall asleep I might as well stay entertained. As time went on it couldn’t even sit down so I called my mom and she told me to get on my hands and knees rock side to side and back and forth. I proceeded to do that but I felt as if wasn’t working so I decided to walk around for a bit. Walking started to hurt even more!!! Now I couldn’t sit, walk to lie down at this point I was in so much pain I wanted the baby OUT now! After a few hours of being in pain and exhausted I called my mom again, she told me that I wasn’t ready to go to the hospital so stay home and she will be on her way in a little; I replied “I need to go now”, I don’t really care if they don’t admit me, I need drugs now!” I waited a few more minutes and called my best friend Bianca to come and bring me to the hospital. When I was walking out the door my mom called and said she was down the street and to wait. After 10 minutes of impatiently waiting I proceed to walk out the door. My mom pulls up in the driveway and says that she thinks I should wait a little longer, “I can’t wait I need to go now” I replied. On the way to the hospital we gotten lost and went around in circles of like 15 minutes. When we finally arrived to the hospital they gave me a room and a nurse came in to check me, while getting checked my water broke. Excited that my water broke I was unaware of the pain that was to come as I gotten closer to delivery. After they gave me some meds and hooked me up to all of these
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