Family Friends Communication

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Family/Friends Communication Write a short passage (1-2 paragraphs) in which you explain how you are staying in touch with friends and family back home. • What would you tell them? • What would you leave out? Did your family and friends suggest any particular methods for staying in touch--perhaps Facebook or Skype? How do the methods of keeping your friends informed differ from those of keeping your family informed? Then, in your writing notebook, inventory the range of your information-sharing strategies. Create a table with three columns--one for audience, one for medium, and a third for the information itself, in brief. When you move to another country in order to study or work it is important to stay in touch with your family and friends. There are several ways for doing that. Personally I use Skype, Facebook, what’s app, text and emails. Every day, I am in touch with family and friends to share my experiences and they share with me there. On one hand, with my family I tell them about the school, the environment, the new person I have met, the life in general. I try, because we miss each other and with the time difference, to make them feel as if there were here with me. I give them the all the information possible. However, when it is about the ‘fun part’, meaning the parties especially, I tell them that I go out but I do not say everything that I am doing during the night I keep my privacy on this point. My parents know that I am twenty one years old and I need privacy and they want me to start my own life as I want them to be prepare for me to have my own life ‘without them’. We speak basically every day, because my parents are divorced I usually repeat twice what I am saying but my father will know some stuff that my mother won’t know and vise-versa. With my parents what I use the most is Skype and What’s app. Skype

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