Fall Of Roman Empire

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The fall of the Roman Empire There were a number of reasons that the once mighty Roman Empire collapsed. First and foremost the economic problems of the empire became overwhelming. Another reason for the fall of the Roman Empire is the constant attacks on the empire by the Germanic tribes of Germany and the Huns under the control of a great leader. The last reason that the Roman Empire declined was its in effective political system it was using to govern its vast and expanding empire. The first reason for the decline of Rome was that its economy was starting to fail by the year A.D. 212. At this point in Rome’s history it had stopped expanding and as a result stopped gaining wealth from conquering other countries.” When the Empire was expanding, its prosperity was fed by plundered wealth and by new markets in the semi-barbaric provinces. When the Empire ceased to expand, however, economic progress soon ceased” (Uses of the Past, Muller) Also during this period where Rome was not gaining any revenue inflation started to occur. Inflation is the result of the devaluation of money. Most of Rome’s currency was silver coins and as a result of the empire not gaining any more wealth from plundering and looting from conflicts they reduced the amount of silver used in the coins. Because of this roman citizens were charging higher prices for items so they would be receiving the same amount of silver. Inflation was not the empires only concern with the economy. The defense of the empire was very expensive and Rome also needed to maintain an active military, as a result Rome raised taxes that the average roman citizen could not afford.” The maintenance of the army and of the vast bureaucracy required by centralized government lead to strangling taxation” (The New Deal in Old Rome). Even with the raised taxes it could not provide enough money to maintain the empire.

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