Fahrenheit 451 Essay

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Fahrenheit 451 Essay Fire! It is hard to imagine firemen starting fires instead of putting them out. Yet that is what occurs in Ray Bradbury’s novel, Fahrenheit 451. Writing in 1953, Bradbury warns readers about a future that could happen. Bradbury notices dehumanization in society as technology makes people become less personable and less capable of independent thought. Bradbury observes that the addicted people become to technology, the less they socialize and the less they care about other people. Much of the dehumanization that occurs in Fahrenheit 451 has actually come to be true in the beginning of the 21st century. In the world of Fahrenheit 451, books are burned. Guy Montag is a fireman who starts fires rather than putting out as fireman do in our society. People are not allowed to own books and Guy knows that “It’s against the law”! The only books people are allowed to read are how-to books, guide books, and rule books. Consequently no one is reading any books that cause them to think for themselves. Even though in the present world books are not burned, statistics from Information Please Database show that people hardly ever read books for fun. Most adolescents only read them for school. A survey comparing time spent reading and watching TV was taken of people from the ages of fifteen to sixty-five and over. People from this age group said that they only spend ten minutes reading on both weekdays and weekends. About 90 million adults, 48% of the adult population, are only on levels one and two in functional literacy. This means they can only read directions, picture captions, and job forms. The activity that people do instead of reading is watching TV; Bradbury shows that people with choose TV over books. Watching TV means that people will be less educated. In Fahrenheit 451, Guy’s wife, Mildred spends most her time focusing on the TV screen. She

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