Explain Why War Broke Out in 1914

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Explain Why War Broke Out in 1914 War broke out in 1914 due to several main factors, including the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand on 28th June 1914, the decline of the Ottoman Empire, forming new smaller countries, The Bosnian Crisis, tension in The Balkans, and most importantly, the Alliance System in place around Europe. In my opinion the most significant cause of the First World War were the Alliances. There were two main alliances, known as the Great Powers. The first, ‘The Entente Cordiale’ was an agreement between France and Britain, signed on 8th April 1904. This was surprising to many people, as Britain and France had historically been enemies. The alliance was different to a full alliance in the form that it was an agreement not to attack each other, but did not mean protection from other attackers; this was because neither country wanted to be ‘dragged’ into a war. The alliance was then altered when Russia later joined, and the alliance changed to ‘The Triple Alliance’. This was to aid the prevention of future war, especially with Germany. The alliance would act as a ‘buffer’ towards Germany. The second alliance was ‘The Triple Alliance’. This was a full military alliance (meaning that they could all be dragged into a war if there was conflict with one of the countries) between Germany, Austria Hungary, and Italy. This was formed among other reasons to protect the three countries, as France wanted revenge from a previous war. The alliances, although designed to prevent war, would drag many more countries into a war than the to conflicting countries, meaning more countries got involved resulting in a larger war. Another important reason for war breaking out was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife Sophie on 28th june 1914. This was when Gavrillo Princip (a member of The Black Hand, a Serbian terrorist
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