Explain The Task 4 Science And Technology As Economies Of Economic Growth And Development

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TASK 4: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AS ENGINES OF ECONOMIC GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Kelly Carver Western Governor's University TASK 4: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AS ENGINES OF ECONOMIC GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT PART A The Industrial Revolution had a significant social impact on Western society in a couple of ways. The Industrial Revolution began in England in the 1790’s and spread through out Europe and then to America. Although the positive effects of the Industrial Revolution were plentiful, two negative effects were substantial. One social consequence being child labor and the other being undesirable living conditions. The Industrial Revolution caused urbanization to develop abruptly. The growing industrialized cities drew the poor for employment, but did not have the means to support the mass surge in population. Inhabitants were faced with water, sewage, and garbage disposal problems leaving unsanitary living conditions amongst themselves. Housing was dangerous due to poor construction, dark rooms, and hazardous conditions. Often family’s cohabitated in one room. One documented report described the living conditions in this manor “ In the centre of this street there is a gutter into which…show more content…
Capitalism for example, thrives on the idea that the Government is democratic, property can be privately owned by its citizens, wealth is not evenly distributed, and there are social classes of people from rich to poor. Capitalism is designed by nature to allow individuals, not the Government, to control resources. Profit is then distributed at the will of the private owner. Capitalism promotes competition and individualism through aggressive business tactics not controlled by any government authority. Capitalism was the child of feudalism, ruled the middle ages, and still thrives in the modern world to date (Hands,

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