Explain the Implications of the Conservative Belief in an 'Organic Society'

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Organic society is the idea that as a whole, society is greater than the sum of its individuals. Society will only function if everyone fulfils their role. Organicism is the belief that society operates like an organism or living entity. An implication of 'organic society; is that it will lead to inequality. Conservatives argue that if a society is organic, there will be a 'natural aristocracy' (Burke). This is the idea that some people are born with the talents and abilities to lead society, while others do not. These people will lead and shape society. This could be said to lead to a natural inequality. However, conservatives argue that this is fair, as those who shoulder mores responsibility in society should be repaid more in terms of wealth than someone with less responsibility. This arguably means that it will lead to a fairer society. An 'organic society' could reduce atomism. This is because an 'organic society' sees society as a whole, living entity as opposed to being made up of self-seeking and self-striving individuals. This could lead to society being more cooperative, as people comprehend that everyone is of equal value to society, regardless of the role they fulfil. This could in turn lead to a more respectful and happier society, as people live in harmony and respect others and are respected. 'Organic society' could lead to greater role fulfilment. People who feel they perform inconsequential roles in society will understand that they are equally integral to society. This will give them a greater sense of identity and rootedness. It will thus lead to greater social cohesion as people believe they are of greater worth and are an intrinsic part of society. An 'organic society' could increase patriotism and nationalism. This is because people will feel bound in unity to a country and to one another as citizens of that country. This could lead to

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