Examine Reasons for Family Diversity.

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In recent years, the extent of the reasons for the change in family diversity have been approached with the many different views. For a while, functionalist believe that there was only one 'best' Family type, the nuclear family, providing the 'functional fit' for modern society. However, some sociologists would argue that today these functions can be met outside the family, or institutions such as the kibbutz in Israel that can be used for primary and secondary socialisation and economic security. Other needs such as reproduction and sex can often be met by spam donors and prostitution. Firstly a reason for family diversity to be seen to the change in stigma and secularisation from preindustrial, to post industrial society. Unlike the preindustrial society where things such as religion and had a large influence on society and its members. In today's post modern society there has been a decline in the influence of religion. According to Wilson religious influence for example church attendance has been declining steadily. Moreover, things such as same-sex relationships and lone parent families was stigmatised four example by most churches condemning it. However within society today stigma has also declined rapidly, making things such as same-sex relationships more normalised therefore it being seen as more acceptable. Another reason for family diversity is due to the change in attitudes and laws and important factor causing the attitude and Laws to be changed the changes that at of attitude and position of woman. The women's equal pay act 1970 influence the women to focus more on their career and I'm making money rather than just being a 'housewife.' The addition of the introduction of the lane apparently welfare benefits it allows wife to be less economically dependent on their husbands. This can be seen as a reason of the family diversity as it encourages
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