Should examinations be abolished?

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Should examinations be abolished? Dear friends, here, we are debating if examinations are necessary. Let us see, what do examinations actually mean? Does examination just mean sitting in an examination hall for 3 hours with a pen and paper in hand and going through all those anxious moments before and after? No. Examinations have much more to do with our daily life. They are a lot more intricately woven in our life experiences. Each day is a new examination, a new challenge. A job applicant has an examination to perform well in his interview; a beggar has an examination to feed his family daily; the leaders have the responsibility to run the country successfully, in a progressive manner. These are just a few examples which exhibit the unidentified examinations that people come across daily. For a student, the examination is to perform well in the academics. His responsibility is to pay off the pains that his parents and teachers are taking for him, which can be done by performing well in the examinations. My friends here have mentioned that exams are more a measure of a child’s cramming power, rather than checking his grasp, his hold of concepts. I accept this truth with utmost honesty. This is one of the major faults in our education system. Many reforms are required in the system which must be implemented quickly. But then, the idea behind exams is good; it’s just that its application is not proper. Just like politics is not a dirty game, only its players are bad. Examinations can be more practical based, more inquisitive in their outlook, more deep into the subject. But then this does not deny the very existence of exams. In the end, an evaluation system is required, which can only be provided by exams. Nearly all of my friends here have stated that examinations are a cause of stress and tension for students. I accept that we find many students yielding to
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