Evaluating Phaedo and Descartes' Where Am I?"

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In the first instance of Phaedo we see that Socrates seeks to explain the relationship between pleasure and pain. With his analogy in mind, it is true that whenever men attempt to find pleasure in doing certain acts there is more often than not there is a side-effect that is usually negative. This is what Socrates addresses as pain. For instance in modern times men may exploit natural resources for their benefit but in the process they cause harm to the environment. Conversely, in pain is found certain benefits or pleasure as Socrates calls it. A practical example is Socrates himself finding relief after he was removed from his bonds. Socrates offers the view that every philosopher needs to be excited about the prospect of death. After offering this opinion though Socrates is quick to point out that it is wrong for man to take his own life. To Socratres man did not own his life, rather, the gods did. For this reason man, despite the benefits of death, cannot take his own life. This opinion raises the question is man is truly free or not. If the right of a man to live or die is basically the preserve of gods, it goes to imply that man is just a slave and not as independent as we like to think. To be truly free the right to live should be your sole right, thus if we are to take Socrates opinion we as men are not free. Contrasting this to modern times, it is against the law that one man takes the life of another since it infringes on the basic right of man to live. However, for committing murder a man may be sentenced to death by the government. If we are considering Socrates philosophy does it mean man is really the property of his government? Socrates’ opinions raises questions
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