Ethics and Environmental Thesis

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Ethics and the Environment Case Study Thesis Statement Name Institution Ethics and the Environment Case Study Thesis Statement Thesis Statement The climate change problems are having the worst effect on the urban poor living within informal sectors known as slums. Case1: Climate Change, Disaster Risk and the Urban Poor: Cities Building Resilience for a Changing Word. Author The author of the case study on Jakarta is the World Bank. 1. Audience The intended audience of the case study is the government of Indonesia on living standards of the poor within Jakarta. 2. Relevance The information is relevant to the case study in that it talks of how urban poor are the most hit by climate change. 3. Credibility of this source The source is credible by the fact that it was approved by the World Bank. 4. sources The author has used data from the International Labor Organization on people living below poverty level in Jakarta. The author has also used online sources on data collected by the World Bank, and the Jakarta globe. 5. Reliability of the information The sources of information are credible based on the fact that they are recognized organization that collected the data. 6. Bias of the study The study is biased towards the challenges the urban poor within Jakarta are facing because of climate change leaving out the effect on the rural poor. Case 2: Urbanization and global environmental change: local effects of urban warming. 1. Author The urbanization and global environmental change: local effects of urban warming by Sue Grimmond are a publication discussing effects of environmental changes to the urban poor. 2. Audience The audience of the research is the urban inhabitants who are seen as the main contributors to environmental pollution. 3. Relevance of the publication The publication is relevant based on the fact it looks at
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