Ethical and Moral Issues in Business

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According to Trevino and Nelson (2007), the difference between morals and ethics in a business organization are laid-out by the definition of ethics in the business organization. Ethics defined to individuals simply means a set of moral principles or values. Whereas, ethics defined in a business organization simply means the principles, norms, and standards of conduct governing an individual or group with the main focus on conduct (Trevio & Nelson, 2007). An individual can be moral but unethical and vice versa within a business organization. An individual with a high standard of morals may not agree with the standards outlined within the business organization. Whereas, an individual who possesses a high standard of work ethics may not have high morals outside of the business organization. Personal ethics are typically known as the set of ethical norms or morals an individual follows throughout life. One primary example of an outline of personal ethics are found in the Ten Commandments in the Old Testament of the Bible (De George, 2010). Business ethics are a set of principles, norms and standards of conduct established by a business organization for individuals to follow (Trevio & Nelson, 2007). Normally business organizations provide the code of conduct to each individual's upon hire date; signed by each individual acknowledging he or she understands everyday activities within the business organization. One primary example of a business ethic is to ensure each individual hired receive the information needed to perform his or her daily objectives. Additionally business ethics provide guidelines on how to conduct communication from one business individual to another. Example of this type of communication reflects in the code of conduct emphasizing how individuals are to communicate effectively to others within the business organization as well as to outside
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