Ethic Essay Edward Snowden Traitor or Hero

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EDWARD SNOWDEN TRAITOR OR HERO Regarding the Edward Snowden case there is a an very interesting ethical problem. Just to give us a bit of background context ; Edward Snowden was an employee of the CIA and NSA, who revealed details of several monitoring programs and American mass britanniques. For some peolpe he was considered like a hero because he has brought to light confidential information that deserves to be in the public domain and for other a villainous traitor because those put in danger his country, it is important to ask whether his revelations comes under the ethical or the legal fact. Ethical : We know that most people would feel betrayed by Edward because he released personal information about them but it was in order to prove that the US Government is recording the communications of its citizens. But it is Ethic to help other isn’t it ? Ethics are moral principles that guide the way a behaves. It issued by a business is a particular kind of policy statement. A code of ethic issued by a company is some kind of policy statement. A properly framed code is, in effect, a form of binding legislation within the company for its employees, specific sanctions for breaches of the code. If these sanctions are absent, the code is just a list of piety. The heaviest sentence usually dismissal unless a crime has been committed. Focusing on ethics, for those who feel that Snowden did was morally acceptable, calculating almost everyone has to weigh the benefits and costs. For them, the benefits outweigh the costs considerably. The benefit here is that there was a strong belief among the people who thought that Snowden was a good thing, that damage has been done to us by spying, a significant damage to the American people. There was the belief that it was very unlikely that this evil will never see the light of day without Snowden or someone else to do
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