Essay On The Great Gatsby Dialectical Journal

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Dear Journal, I’ve probably known this all along, but today I realized how little a black man can really do. People tell us it is because we have no ambition. But how can someone be ambitious and plan a future they’re not allowed to have? Only the white people really get any opportunity to do anything around here or anywhere for that matter. We can’t go to school and get good jobs like one of those pilots because what white man wants a black man to be flying him around in an airplane. We can’t even commit a minor crime here and there to support ourselves, not unless we’re stealing from other blacks anyway. No one cares about black-on-black crime, but steal from one of those white folks and your locked up for God knows how long. That’s why when I brought up stealing from Blum’s store, I was hoping none of the boys would agree with the idea. Truly I was scared about going through with the entire thing. I think Gus knew that too. But since he told me he was scared first I decided I’d make him the weak link. Better him than me. There really was no reason for me to start that fight with him, but I had to show the bys I was tough. I didn’t want them thinking I couldn’t handle myself -Bigger Thomas Dear Journal, I went in for that job at the Dalton’s house. They seem like a fine family. Poor Mrs. Dalton is blind as a bat…show more content…
I still can’t believe it. It happened so fast. I killed her. I killed Mary. She made me do it though. She wouldn’t be quiet, and I didn’t want to be caught in her room with her so late at night. Mrs. Dalton came in, and I couldn’t think of anything else to do other than to cover her face with a pillow from her bed and cover her face with it so Mrs. Dalton wouldn’t hear her. But when I took the pillow from her face, she was already dead. I didn’t know what to do so I put her in her travelling trunk and brought her downstairs to the furnace. At first she wouldn’t fit, so I took the hatchet and cut her head off so I could fit her

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