Essay On Public Sector Reform

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Introduction Countries across the world are going through a wave of changes; not only in advanced economies, but also in many parts of the developing world. There are many global challenges facing nations today, such as: harmonization of rules, demographic change, global warming and other environmental issues, scarcity of energy and food resources, and public health concerns. These are just some of the ongoing issues that politicians and public leaders continue to grapple with. As a result, policy problems are no longer seen as being simple, linear, and national in focus, but are increasingly complex, wicked and global. These problems are difficult to identify and solve as they have multiple causes interacting in complex ways that are not…show more content…
It must have carefully defined goals and a strategy to attain these goals. The ultimate aim of the public sector reform is to see remarkable improvement in the public service outputs, such as more effective and responsive service deliveries. This is the driving force behind the public sector reform (Tarawa, 2001). To Schacter (2000), the public sector reform is about strengthening the way that the public sector is managed. Omoyefa (2008) sees it as the total overhauling of the government administrative machinery with the aim of injecting real effectiveness, efficiency,hard core competence, and financial prudence in the running of the public sector. The spread of global markets, especially those related to financial integration and liberalisation, and the resultant competition, are forcing the public sector in most countries to reshape itself to keep pace with the emerging global economy and modern information technology. The challenges of globalization makes the state’s role all the more critical, both in handling risks and shocks, and in helping people and firms, grasp the opportunities of the global

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