9-11 Effects On American People

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1.The 9-11 effect on the american people 2. Globalized world is for many a word lacking certainty, shape, taste. 3. Globalization is insecurity and a source of chaos 4. Terrorism- a nationalist response to the effects of globalization Globalization of economy politics and social issues has made people and groups more insecure and uncertain. One main consecuence of that insecurity is to look for a personal identity and to search for a cultural identity. Globalization is the phenomenon that explains growth to a global or world wide scale(wordnetweb.priceton.edu). Nationalism is the loyalty and devotion to a nation; especially: a sense of national conciousness (www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/nationalism). 1. After 9-11 America experienced…show more content…
During history it seems that nationalism manifested its self in an era of colapse of bounderies, economic expansion, mas migration, general insecurity, drastic militarisation, which finaly led to war. Nations went to war against all that, in an atempt to preserve the things taken away by the string of events pointed out earlier. The chalenge of modernity forced ancient ethnic groups to find new ways to ensure their survival by obtaining either power sharing or separate states. In general both modernists and nationalist agree that modernism provides the main reasons for nationalist conflicts. In that context globalization has been described either the next logical step from modernism or as a separate event called postmodernity. The shared view is that both industrialisation snd globalization are characterised as a massive change and the eventually breack down the bounderies of ancient civilazation. Nations dominate the planet, since every corner now belongs to one or more than 200 nations and teritories. It a well known fact that nationalism and our system of nation states has a spoted history. First, there are still many parts of the globe where border disputes remain, and give rise to tensions- like Chinas claim to the spralty ilands in the South China Seas. Second, sosme ethnic groups or nations have been slipt by borders drown by political leaders especially…show more content…
Because, that which is not done in moderation would most likely end up as either a total disaster or even worse with the whole of society crushing and burning, regresing man to the Medieval Ages. We have to be aware of the fact that tenssions in our current society that are due to either globalization or nationalist outbursts will probably occure in the months, years to follow. The world is full of unexpected events, "black swans" and problems can appear at any time. East Asia is a curious case, for instance. It is the area with the most succesful globalization record this past fue decades. Yet there are problem areas such as Taiwan, the Koreas and the sudern Philiphines, that always seem to be up to
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